Seriously, I've been watching this documentary for all of 15 minutes and I'm already rolling my eyes almost non-stop. They haven't even had the liberal priests on yet . . .
Sex, you see, is the most absolute, necessary, can't live without, needs to be consantly expressed, is more necessary than food human activity in the world. And the Church, well, she hates sex. She wants all its members to punish themselves and to turn away from all sexual activities, even within marriage.
Of course, that is until our Catholic moms show up with their 8 or 9 kids. Then, of course, the Sex wants to enslave people by making them baby producing machines.
I wonder if these people know that babies are the natural outcome of sex?
Same old lies . . . Celibacy was started in 1139 to control property and money. Celibacy is all about power, and effort by the Church to control people. The Church is a backward institution which is responsible for the pedophile scandal because Celibacy creates pedophiles. In fact, the abusing priest is not the predator, the Church is.
All of these priests are just arrested psycho-sexually. Sex is evil, at least in the Church's mind. No one every mentioned anything about sex. These poor priests, they had no clue what sex was. The Church didn't want them to know anything.
In fact, the REAL problem is the Church's teaching on Human Sexuality. Which is absurd, of course, becasue I mean, come on, we have urges and we couldn't possibly be expected to control these urges.
Blah Blah Blah . . .
Of course, some people aren't idiots when they write about Celibacy. Here are a few that I recommend: