Wesley Smith could not be more succinct in pointing out the dangerous agenda of the Bio-tech industry in America and across the globe. I recommend reading his article over at Godspy and then getting your hands on a copy of his new book: Consumer's Guide to a Brave New World. Some would call him alarmist. I would just point out that sometimes alarms go off because of impending danger . . .
If the cost of biotechnology's alleviation of human suffering is our acceptance of the Brave New World miasma, we will not get there in one giant leap. Rather, we will descend into the darkness in small steps, all but unaware that the shadows are lengthening. We may already have taken the first step on the proverbial thousand-mile journey. By now many of us readily accept the principle that human embryonic life, toward the end of developing new medical cures, can be sown, reaped, harvested, patented and sold—just like any other natural resource or product.