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Mar 16, 2005


kenneth maina

i'm writing to find out about the pallotines located in kenya.
i'm a kenyan citizen and resident too.
please, can someone hook me up with a pallotine in kenya cuz there are some enquiries i wish to make.
any help accorded shall be regarded.
faithfully yours,
kenneth maina

Mary Ellen Cote

I actually have a question. I was at the Shrine of St. Jude in Baltmore yesterday and overheard the priest talking with a guided group. He said that they do not take vows, but promises for a period of time. Therefore, if they decide to leave, they will be free to do so. Is this accurate? Thank you

Biju Peter

Dear Father,

This is Biju from Lumberton,

Hope that you are doing fine. Where are you now? You must have left Italy? I am sorry that I could not write to you for a while but I used to remember you when I go to church.

Ms Mary and family has moved to MaryLand as there contract here is over and they are doing fine. And my family is with me right now and we are expecting one more daughter by the end of April here. I will be done with my visa by this June but trying to stay. If everything works fine I may move to another state.

Another news is Fr Ben Uncle is in New York for treatment. His condition was worse at Trivandrum due to kidney failure. Only one works that too 40%. He has not been given a good treatment by the Ashramam at TVM or they cannot afford his treatment. It is ridiculous to watch helplessly when one is suffering, One man had spend his complete life for this particular order and he has to get somebody else help to come to U S. The simple reason to come to U S is not to get high quality treatment but because of his citizenship he can avail free treatment. Here too nobody to take care of him, he has to change place to place as any family or convents cannot hold a man for long time. He may be moving to some Nursing Home. In this stage of life he suffers both mentally and physically. I wonder about the charity of Pallotines! I have some other priests too including the Late Bishop Mathias Kappil of Punalur Diocese as relatives. I could see that they were given treatment and care by their Order. I dont know whether Pallotine are not supposed to get sick or old!!!!

When I asked Ben Uncle about calling some of their House in Baltimore or Florida he kept silence and with difficulty he told me the saying in Malayalam, What will you do with a Curry Leave after use? It was shocking statement for me.

I am sorry to write about this to you Father, this is a letter from a helpless man living here watching his uncle suffers.

If you do not mind, can you give the address or email ID of your head of this order who can hear my grievence or at least can you forward this letter to somebody who can address this.

Thank you Tomyachan


Biju Peter.

paul kang'eri wachira

christ thy kingdom come, am a kenyan young man interested to know more about the pallotines and their ministry. i would wish they help me about vocation discernment especially of priesthood in their congregation.thank you.


i want to know more about your formation

Carolyne Njoki Kariuki

Am enquiring some information on Father Dezire Bakananga from Zaire who was once in Kenya and living at pallotines father home in Dagorretti Corner since i lost all the contacts.


pls ,father vocation director i would like to be a pallotine priest. What are the requiremments?
Am a Nig.


I want to know about Fr. Irudayapalraj and fr. Immanuel, who were in madurai thirunagar pallotine illam.
Dear Fr.
Now we, myself and my mother are in thrichy, i am doing my doctoral research at bharathidasan university, we always remembering your helping hand for my studies. Please intimate us where you are! We are eager to hear your message. my email address is [email protected]

colleen mcintyre

I would like to know about the Pallottine communities in the United States. We are have oour fall retreat and would like to do a small presentation on their beginning and todays movement there. Could you p lease send me what there is to know.


Hats off to whevoer wrote this up and posted it.

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